
Episode 248: A Skunky Valentine, No More Scary Basements, Home Gym Flooring Options

SEGMENT 1: A Skunky Valentine

What do you do when your dog is sprayed by a skunk? Break out the tomato juice? Toss her in the bathtub? Actually, the right answer involves baking soda, peroxide, and a little dishsoap--just don't leave it on the fur too long, since peroxide could bleach it! Here's the article we reference along with a tried and true recipe for de-skunkification.

In this same skunk segment, we "about-face" and transition to some Valentine's Day Trivia. Do you know why women of the middle ages ate hedgehogs? Check out the segment to find out!

SEGMENTS 2 and 3: No More Scary Basements

Basements often feel uninviting. (And that's putting it mildly). However with a little bit of work and some paint, you can take that old, block wall "dungeon", and brighten it up significantly. We talk about everything you'll need to know to get the project underway.

SEGMENT 4: Home Gym Flooring Options

In this segment, we sit down with Nick Sargent from Johnson Carpet One to discuss a wide variety of floors for your home gym--everything from heavy-duty rubber for weight lifting, to easy clean floors for yoga. You can learn more about Johnson Carpet One right here!

About the Podcast

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The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
RepcoLite's weekly radio show focusing on color, design, paint, and projects...as well as plumbing, roofing, yard care, flooring and more!

About your host

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Dan Hansen