Episode 324

Welcome Back, Hailey; Steps to Getting the Best Roof Estimate Possible

On Today's Episode

Welcome Back, Hailey [00:00 - 11:30]

Hailey's back from maternity leave! We check in and see how life is with a new baby in the house...

When Everything Goes Wrong [11:30 - 19:00]

In the last 3 months, Hailey's home has struggled! We've all been there (or if you haven't, it's coming!), but it's still tough when it hits.

Steps to Getting the Best Roof Estimate Possible [19:00 - 32:08]


This will help you understand terms of the trade and give you some background knowledge. When they start talking about decking, underlayment, flashing and  types of nails you can be more engaged and won't just be smiling and nodding! Having background knowledge also helps you formulate questions! 


It's tempting to go with the first quote you get and call it good. But don't do that! Get multiple quotes to make sure the price is right but also to make sure you're getting the best company. The quotes take time (sometimes as long as 2 hours) and it's tempting to want to wrap the process up. But you're better served to work through it and talk to multiple companies before making your final decision!


The roofers want to get you to close the deal on the day of the estimate. It's a better plan to sleep on it. Take some extra time and don't let yourself get rushed into a decision.


The roof makes up a huge part of the exterior of your home! Take time to make sure the color you're choosing is the right one! Ask for samples--as large as possible--and take your time....

Key Questions to Ask During the Roof Estimate [32:08 - 39:03]

  • Are you bonded and insured?
  • Are you a roofer? Not every estimator has been a roofer--find out if your's has!
  • What materials do you use and why?
  • Can you provide proof that your installation meets manufacturer specs?
  • What will the process look like?
  • How long does it take?
  • What does clean up look like?
  • How do you protect my home and yard?
  • How many people will be onsite?
  • Will you be onsite?
  • Who can I contact throughout my experience?
  • What is your warranty?
  • Will you provide me with all the warranty documentation?
  • What things might cause deviation from the contracted price?
  • Understand what they charge for flashing and plywood
  • How do they check to make sure decking is still good?
  • Look at the reviews!
  • Ask for a home they recently done
  • Finally . . . ask yourself: who do you communicate best with?

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
RepcoLite's weekly radio show focusing on color, design, paint, and projects...as well as plumbing, roofing, yard care, flooring and more!

About your host

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Dan Hansen