Episode 326

"No Fear" Exterior Painting in the Fall, and more!

On Today's Episode

Plaster's Ancient Past [00:00 - 14:28]

We were surprised to see how far back the use of plaster as a building material goes!

3 Tips for Hanging Art on Plaster Walls [14:28 - 19:00]

Plaster is great for a lot of reasons (covered in the previous segment), but from personal experience, hanging a simple piece of art on a plaster wall can be a real pain! Here are some tips to make sure your new art isn't hanging on a pockmarked and damaged wall!

"No Fear" Fall Painting [19:00 - 27:50]

Fall is a great time to paint outside and wrap up those exterior projects we didn't finish this summer. BUT, in order to have great results, you have to find a way to navigate the colder temps and the sneaky rain and heavy dew that seem to lurk around every corner! Happily, we've got a couple simple guidelines that will keep you painting in the ideal situations so you get the best results.

Also, we dig into a "Silver Bullet" exterior paint that has been designed almost exclusively for early and late season exterior painting: Element Guard from Benjamin Moore. If you want to ensure that you have great results in the fall or spring . . . Element Guard is really the only choice!

6 Reasons Why You Should Paint for the Holidays Now! [27:50 - 38:29]

No, we're not saying that you should be decorating for Christmas yet! That's crazy. However, we are recommending that if you have some repainting or touching-up to do before the holiday festivities get underway . . . now is the time to start. Here's why:

  1. You've got the time! Time to choose your color the right way; time to order wallpaper if you want it; time to do the prep work completely; and time to get everything back together well before guests arrive!
  2. The Pressure's Off! No big meals to prepare, no parties to attend. No Christmas shopping to finalize. Right now, the pressures of the holidays are still ahead. Don't wait until that's on your shoulders before you start looking at the updates you want to do to your space!
  3. You Can Open Windows and Ventilate!
  4. You Have an Increased Work Space! Once it gets cold and the snow sets in, most of us only have our homes to work in. However, right now, we can still make use of our garage if we need extra space for a kitchen cabinet re-paint or something like that.
  5. You Have Better Lighting! The lighting right now isn't as good as it was a month ago, but it's still lighter out in the evenings than it's going to be in a few months! And that extra lighting, even when working indoors, can really help!
  6. You Have All Winter to Enjoy the Fruits of Your Work. Let the holidays and their busy-ness be all that fills up your plate in November and December and then enjoy that newly repainted space all the rest of winter!
  7. Bonus Reason #1
  8. Bonus Reason #2

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
RepcoLite's weekly radio show focusing on color, design, paint, and projects...as well as plumbing, roofing, yard care, flooring and more!

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Dan Hansen