Episode 327

How to Painlessly Accomplish Your Impossible List of Fall Projects!

On Today's Episode

4 Steps for Working Through an Overwhelming To-Do List [00:00 - 10:54]

When we sit down and note everything we have to do for a given project or even a given day, it can sometimes be so overwhelming that we don't know where to start. Or, worse, we don't start! We felt that stress starting to build when we compiled our list of Fall To-do's to make sure our homes are ready for winter. And here's how we took that massive list of jobs and made it manageable!


Rather than creating one massive list, break your list into smaller daily, or weekly to-do's. Making a list small and manageable is key to finding the energy to get those items crossed off!


It's easy to make a project list and plan on tackling that list on the weekend. It's honestly the default plan for many of us. But, if you want to ease up your weekend and eliminate the "project dread" we can feel as Saturday gets closer . . . tackle smaller items from your list during the week! Who knows how much you can cross off before Saturday gets here . . . and if you get a good amount of the work finished, you may have plenty of time for actual weekend stuff--like kicking back and relaxing!


This is the same concept as what we covered above in Tip #1--it's just that now you're doing this with each large project. So, instead of writing "Clean Windows" on your list for the weekend, write down: Compile Window Cleaning Supplies; Remove Screens; Clean Front Windows; Clean Back Windows. Yes, it's a bit of a mind-game you're playing with yourself . . . but it really works. AND, it makes Tip #2 above easier. For example, you may not have time and energy to clean all the windows after a work day . . . but you absolutely could gather the supplies you need and place them all in a bucket or box in the garage. Sure it was only 15 minutes of gathering . . . but it's 15 minutes you won't have to do on Saturday.


If all that sounds good, but you're still having trouble getting yourself moving during the week, try this: set a 10 minute or 15 minute timer and tackle some of those small items on your list. Work as fast as you can at some of those tasks and quit when the timer goes off. It's a great way to get large jobs accomplished in chunks that feel painless. I stumbled on this when I stared at my work bench that was a complete disaster. I'd been lazy and negligent and now I had to pay the piper. I was looking at easily a few hours worth of work (it seemed at that point). I didn't want to do that much work, so I put it off until one night I had a brainstorm. I set a timer and worked for 15 minutes and quit. Next night . . . same thing. By the 4th night, I was almost done with the project and rather than having spent a full hour on Saturday . . . I spent 15 painless minutes over the course of 4 nights. It really works!

The Big Fall Prep List: Week One Projects [10:54 - 18:55]

We're taking our own advice from above and we're breaking down our MASSIVE fall home prep list into 5 or 6 smaller lists. Each week, we'll go over the next list, and finally, by the end of October . . . if you've done all the projects we've mentioned . . . your home will be ready for winter! And it won't have been a terribly painful journey. (Which is GREAT!)

Here's the Week One list . . . and we start things off easy!


Many seasonal service providers see their calendars fill up quickly. So, make those phone calls this week!

  • Call to schedule your sprinkler system winterization
  • Call to schedule any tree maintenance you may need
  • Make a plan for your leaf removal--if you need bins, get them reserved!
  • Consider scheduling a furnace tune-up (we'll have more info on whether this is worth it or not next week)


  • Get your carpets cleaned
  • Do some interior painting
  • Consider a simpler, less extensive deep cleaning of the house
  • Wash your windows


We mentioned a tried and tested window cleaning solution that worked great. Mix 1 TBSP of Jet Dry with 2-3 TBSP of Dawn in 1/2 gallon of warm water. When that's ready, remove your screens and rinse your windows with a garden house. Then, wash the windows with the solution and rinse with your garden hose. With this system, the water will sheet away and you won't have to dry the windows and will still have largely streak-free results. If the water's not sheeting away as well as you'd like, add a little more Jet Dry.

Creations By Brian [18:54 - 39:23]

In the last half our show today, we're in the studio talking with Brian and Amber Yaussy from Creations by Brian, LLC. It's a great conversation and it's always amazing to us how much our painting contractors do besides just apply paint to your walls!


Creations by Brian: 231-557-8599 and you can find them online here.

Learn more about Kids Belong here.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
RepcoLite's weekly radio show focusing on color, design, paint, and projects...as well as plumbing, roofing, yard care, flooring and more!

About your host

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Dan Hansen