Episode 265

The BEST Father's Day Gifts, How to Become Handy, and The Curb Appeal Checklist

On Today's Episode

With Father's Day only a day away, it's crunch time if you're looking for gifts. And so we decided to pool our knowledge and resources and provide you with a list of never-fail Father's Day gifts you'll be able to pick up today!

We'll also be talking about what it takes to be "handy". A lot of us tell ourselves (and others) that we're all thumbs. That we're not mechanical. All of that. We don't believe you! You're handy. You just don't know it....

Finally, we walk you through a quick curb appeal checklist. These are some key areas of our home that are often overlooked. How does your home measure up? Tune in to find out!

Last Minute Father's Day Gifts [00:00 - 18:58]

With only 1 shopping day left until Father's Day 2022, we decided to put our brains to work to come up with the best, easily-attainable, Father's Day gifts for any budget! Joining us is RepcoLite's own Ryan Mullen, a new father for the third time!

The Money Bags Category

  • Local Craft Beer or Liquor (Ryan's Idea)
  • An Experience for Dad -- Batting Cages, A Baseball Game, A Concert, etc. (Hailey's Idea)
  • A DEWALT Atomic Series Reciprocating Saw (Dan's BRILLIANT Idea)

The "I've Got No Money But Still Care" Category

  • A DIY Plaster Mold of Your Child's Hand (Hailey's idea)
  • A DIY Yard Golf Game (Dan's Idea)

The "I've Got SOME Money to Spend . . . But Let's Not Get Crazy" Category

  • Movie Tickets for a Dad's Only Movie Event (Ryan's Idea--He's thinking the new Top Gun looks pretty good...)
  • A Car Vacuum (Hailey's Idea)
  • A French Press Coffee Pot (Dan's Idea)

When everyone had explained all of their recommendations, we let Ryan vote on the best gift idea. I won't tell you who he picked . . . but he couldn't have been more correct in his choice.

How to Become Handy [18:58 - 32:34]

Are you handy? When it comes to projects or repairs around the house, do you jump in? Or do you look the other way and hope things somehow just get better?

Not long ago, I was speaking with a friend about a lawnmower repair I had to tackle. When I finished recounting the experience (there were some ups and some really exciting downs), he shook his head and said "well, you can do that because you're handy. I'm just not good at stuff like that."

That statement was remarkably eye-opening to me because I would never have thought of myself as "handy." I know other people who are handy. I'm not them. In fact, I usually think of myself as a hack. Sure, I'm a good "tryer" and a relatively quick learner, but handy? No.

And yet, here was my friend, looking at the work I'm able to accomplish, completely convinced that I'm one of the lucky ones: the few, the proud, the Handy.

Being handy is a great thing. Sure, there's the satisfaction of repairing something and the sense of pride that goes with it. But there's also the huge savings you experience when you DON'T need to bring something to a fix-it shop or hire a professional.

Well, that idea about me being handy turned into a great conversation. Hailey and I dig into what it takes to be handy. And really, we come to the conclusion that we're all probably handy. Some of us just don't realize it.

Where do you fall in the mix? Listen to the conversation and let us know what you think! You can email comments to radio@repcolite.com. We'd love to chat about this topic! It's one of our favorite concepts.

The Curb Appeal Checklist [32:34 - 39:28]

Curb appeal is important all the time--NOT just when you're selling your home. In fact, we believe that there's something psychological going on when our homes have good curb appeal and when they don't.

A house that has good curb appeal bounces our mood in a positive direction every single time we pull into our driveway. Is it always a huge bounce? Probably not. But really, any bounce in a positive direction is a good thing as we arrive home after a long day at work.

Conversely, a house with bad curb appeal does exactly the opposite. Again, is it a huge, dramatic bounce in a negative direction this time? Maybe not. But still . . . when we pull in and see messy landscaping, peeling paint, dirty siding, a cluttered yard . . . the negative feelings about our home and space add up and color our mood as we begin our evening....

Often, there are a lot of reasons we don't tackle these jobs. Sometimes we're just too busy. Other times we don't know how to go about the repair. Maybe it's money. But quite often, the reasons we don't jump into these curb appeal projects is even simpler than that: we don't notice them.

Being "house blind" is a real thing! We see something so often that it no longer strikes us as new, interesting, concerning, messy, etc. It's just "normal". In this short segment, our goal is to help all of us wake up a bit and take notice of our homes!

Here are some of the key areas we think you should check out:

  • The Front Door and Main Entry
  • The Front Porch
  • The Landscaping
  • Sidewalks and Driveways
  • Your House's Siding

If you're interested in being a guest on the RepcoLite Home Improvement Show, please let us know! Hailey and Dan can be reached directly at radio@repcolite.com!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
The RepcoLite Home Improvement Show
RepcoLite's weekly radio show focusing on color, design, paint, and projects...as well as plumbing, roofing, yard care, flooring and more!

About your host

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Dan Hansen